By Laws


Article I  Name 

The name of the Corporation shall be the Girls’ Softball League of Jefferson County (GSLJC). 

Article II Place 

The place in the State of Colorado where the principle office of the Corporation is to be located is in Jefferson County. 

Article III Purpose 

Said Corporation is organized exclusively for the charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes; including, for such purposes, the making of distributions of organizations that qualify as exempt, organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Review Law), advancement, promotion of athletic interest, clean and supervised sports, and the striving for better citizenship and sportsmanship. 

Article IV Directors 

The names of the persons who are to be the initial Directors of the Corporation are as follows: Mr. B.D. Cahill Kelly Hogan Clarence L. Conkling Margaret K. Raettli Ada Midgett K.C. Bernhard


No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of or be distributed to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons except the Corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for service rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article III hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the Corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statement) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the Corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on a) by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United State Internal Review Law) or by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United State Internal Review Law). 

Article VI Dissolution 

Upon the dissolution of the Corporation, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities of the Corporation, dispose of all assets of the Corporation exclusively for the purposes of the Corporation in such manner, or to such organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United State Internal Review Law), as the Board of Directors shall determine. Any of such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the Corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated for such purposes. 

Article VII Membership 

Membership shall be open to those who are or may become interested in the League objectives. The attendance at a League meeting shall not be limited as to number of members present from each community, except only one collective vote shall be allowed each community on any and all matters. 

Article VIII Officers 

The League officers shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Publicity Chairman. 

Article IX Amendments 

The Constitution may be amended only under the following procedures. The proposed amendments shall be discussed at the regular meeting when a motion to amend is made, and at the next regular meeting such proposed amendment shall be voted upon by the membership. Adoption of an amendment requires a favorable majority vote from communities present and eligible to vote. 


Article I 

Section 1: Type of Organization 

The League shall be sponsored by voluntary contributions from gifts of individuals or organizations, and from funds raised by the League. It will be a nonprofit amateur organization. No individual member shall be personally liable for any debts the League may contract. Debts contracted shall be by the approval of the voting membership. Special assessments may be levied upon the individual communities as shall be decided by the voting membership. 

         Section 2 Membership

Those communities who have organized themselves to provide a place for youth to play softball and be part of the GSLJC shall be: Alameda/Green Mountain Girls’ Softball Assn.; Arvada Girls’ Softball Assn.; Bear Creek Girls’ Softball Assn.; Golden Girls’ Softball Assn.; Lakewood Girls’ Softball Assn.; South Jeffco Sports Assn.; West Jeff Girls’ Softball Assn. and Wheat Ridge Girls’ Softball Assn. Upon being accepted as a member of the GSLJC, said communities have agreed to abide by the rules, regulations and league decisions approved by a quorum of the member communities at designated meetings. Each community shall designate two representatives from their area to be part of the GSLJC Board. Representatives from the member communities shall be the voting delegates at the GSLJC meetings with each member community having one collective vote for any and all matters. 

Article II Parliamentary Authority 

Roberts’ Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the proceedings of the GSJLC in all cases not provided for in the Bylaws or in the Standing Rules. 

Article III Suspension of Bylaws 

These Bylaws may be suspended at any meeting by a majority vote of the representatives present and eligible, a quorum being present. 

Article IV Amendments 

Bylaws may be amended at any meeting by a majority vote with notice at the preceding meeting. The vote must be counted and recorded in the minutes. 

Articles V Duties of Officers 

         Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President to call and preside at all meetings of the League; appoint committees; and perform all                    duties the office may require. The President shall cast the deciding vote in case of a tie vote among the area representatives. The                          President cannot vote twice, once as a member, then again in his capacity as president – first to make a tie and then cast the                                deciding vote. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. 

Section 2. Vice-President shall perform duties of the President in his/her absence and all duties the Vice-President office requires. 

Section 3. The Secretary shall keep and record as a permanent record the minutes of the League meetings, shall notify the community representatives of each meeting, shall notify all officers of their elections, and shall perform all other duties the office may require. He/she shall distribute minutes of the monthly meetings to League officers and community representatives. 

Section 4. Treasurer: In the absence of both the President and Vice-President, the Treasurer shall preside at any meeting of the League and shall assume and perform all duties as may be required. He/she shall receive and keep the League funds in a bank selected by the Executive Committee. All expenses of the League are to be paid by check bearing signature of the President, Vice-President or Treasurer. At the February meeting, the Treasurer shall submit the books for audit. In the event of a newly elected Treasurer, an audit shall be performed immediately after his/her election. At the February meeting, the Treasurer shall submit a financial statement and a statement of receipts and disbursements to the membership. All such reports and statements shall become part of the permanent records. The fiscal year shall be January 1 – December 31. 

Section 5. The Publicity Chairman shall perform all duties as assigned by the Executive Committee. 

Article VI Election of Officers

Section 1. The Nominating Committee shall present one or more candidates for each office at the October meeting. Election of officers shall be held at the November meeting and the new officers will assume office after the November meeting. Nominations from the floor will be in order. The election of each position shall be conducted by vote. No two or more officers are to be elected from the same community except where due to lack of candidates or unwillingness to serve such double representation may be warranted. 

 Section 2. All officers shall serve for a term of one year or until a successor is duly elected. New officers shall assume their duties at the close of the annual meeting in November. 

Article VII Meetings and Quorum 

Section 1. A regular meeting shall be held one day of every month with the exception of the months of July, August and December at a time and place designated by the President. The Secretary shall notify all officers and community representatives in advance of the meetings. 

Section 2. The annual meeting shall be the regular November meeting. 

Section 3. Special meetings may be called by the President or at the request of three or more community representatives. 

Section 4. The GSLJC will not recognize a community representative unless he/she is a resident of the area he/she represents or receives unanimous approval from both the Executive Board and the Executive Committee. 

Section 5. Only representatives from the member areas or their alternates shall be the voting delegates at the County League meetings. Representatives from member associations shall be: Alameda/Green Mountain Girls’ Softball Assn.; Arvada Girls’ Softball Assn.; Bear Creek Girls’ Softball Assn.; Golden Girls’ Softball Assn.; Lakewood Girls’ Softball Assn.; South Jeffco Sports Assn.; West Jeff Girls’ Softball Assn.; and Wheat Ridge Girls’ Softball Assn. This shall be the GSLJC Executive Board. 

Section 6. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the eligible voting membership. 

Section 7. After a community has missed two (2) consecutive meetings, its voting privileges shall be suspended. Voting privileges shall be restored at the second (2nd) consecutive meeting attended. A community’s responsibility to the League is not lessened by the suspension of its voting privileges. 

Section 8. No tape recorders or cameras shall be permitted at meetings of the GSJLC without prior and full unanimous approval of the representatives. 

Section 9. Annual team assessments are due in full by the regular May county meeting of the current playing season. Any area with a debt outstanding as of May 15 of the current playing season will be denied further team participation as well as being denied voting privileges until such debt has been paid. 


Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Publicity. 

Section 2. The Executive Board shall consist of the area representatives and shall have the voting power. 

Section 3. The Supervisory Committee, consisting of the Vice-President as Chairman and such helps as he/she desires, shall be formed. Its duty shall be to examine all team rosters submitted by the communities and to certify the rosters and verify that the team rosters are correctly placed in leagues as to age and experience and to certify that players are in the permissible age division. A player is eligible to play as soon as the player is certified by the Committee. 

Section 4. The Scheduling Committee shall be appointed by the President not later than the January meeting. Duties shall be to schedule dates, times and places of all League games. The Committee shall arrange for a schedule to be determined by the Scheduling Committee and approved by the Executive Board. Any game played after midnight of the last scheduled game shall not be recognized by the League. This Committee shall be responsible for rescheduling of games. At the end of the regular playing schedule, the Scheduling Committee shall determine the top teams in each age group with the assistance of the area representatives and the official scorekeeper. 

Section 5. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President not later than the September meeting of each year. It shall consist of three members provided no two members are from the same community. 

Section 6. The President shall appoint by the January meeting an Auditing Committee consisting of three members. Duties shall be to audit the records of the Treasurer and to submit a report from the same community. 

Section 7. The President shall appoint by the January meeting a Background Check Committee of 2 members. Duties shal be to evaluate appeals as necessary and decide variance requests on a case-by-case basis chaired by the President. 

Section 8. Protest Committee and Ruling A. A Protest Committee Chairperson shall be appointed by the President not later than March of each year. The Chairperson shall get necessary help and advice as needed from the GSLJC Executive Committee and Executive Board to rule on the protest. B. In case of protest, the League shall abide by the USA official softball playing rules as herein amended. C. All protests must be filed with their written report with the Protest Committee Chairperson within 72 hours after the game is played. A $25 check made out to the GSLJC must be sent to the Chairperson within 72 hours. A copy of both scorebooks from the game in question must be provided. If the protest is upheld, the money will be returned; if not upheld, the money will be retained in the treasury of the League. The protest must include a written statement from the opposing coach, assistant coach, or one of the game umpires stating the pertinent facts relative to the incident causing the protest. If the decision is made determining that a team violated a league rule, the game shall be forfeited by that team. If the protest is upheld, the game will be replayed from the point in time of the protest. D. The decision of the Protest Chairperson and the GSLJC shall be final. 

Article IX 

Section 1. Bracketing At a March meeting, for the purpose of bracketing, the number of teams and qualifications of the players in each age group shall be submitted to the Scheduling Committee. The Executive Board will utilize a board approved bracketing policy. 

Section 2. Scorekeeping 1. The President shall appoint a Score Recorder each year who will verify the season’s on-line scores and standings He/she shall correct any proven error in scores and/or standings. 1. Both coaches or their team representative shall post the game score onto the GSLJC website within 72 hours. If a score is not input, a loss for that game will be recorded for both teams. Any discrepancies will be handled by the GSLJC Score Recorder. C) Score keepers shall ask the umpire for a game’s start time and note this time in their scorebook. 


1. After bracketing and prior to the scheduling process, the head coach (or a designated team representative) will have the opportunity to provide the scheduling committee a list of up to five (5) dates when their team would ask that a game not be scheduled. The scheduling committee shall make every effort to fulfill the request/requests. 

2. After the game schedule has been completed and posted, games will not be postponed except in case of unfavorable field conditions. 

3. Field Closure: If and when an Area Representative or the Rescheduling Committee is aware of a field closure or unfavorable field conditions, they will post the information on the GSLJC website and notify coaches through e-mail of a field cancellation. Otherwise, a coach or their representative shall follow their respective area’s field condition procedures to determine if a field Is closed. 

4. If a lighted field has a curfew, such curfew shall be honored. If a legal game has not been completed at the curfew or if a game is suspended because of unfavorable field conditions, the game shall be rescheduled and played from the point of suspension. Time begins at the point of suspension with lineups as close as possible to original game. The home team’s scorebook shall be the official record. 

5. In the event of unfavorable field conditions interfering with play in the season’s last five (5) days of play, those games which have no bearing on the top two positions in any league shall not be rescheduled. 

Section 4. Game time is forfeit time. 

Section 5. In the event that an umpire(s) does not appear at a game at the scheduled starting time, each coach shall appoint a volunteer umpire in order to begin the game on time. There shall be two volunteers chosen in all age divisions. These volunteers shall continue umpiring until an official umpire appears and finish the game if one does not appear. Any coach not agreeing to use volunteer umpires shall forfeit the game. 

Section 6. There shall be no smoking on the playing field or in the dugouts by players or anyone connected with the team. No profanity or rowdy conduct or unnecessary rough or foul play shall be tolerated on the playing field. There shall be no consumption of alcoholic beverages on the playing field, dugouts or in the spectator area by anyone. If any such instance occurs, the umpire shall terminate the participation in play of the offender for the rest of the game. The Executive Board of the GSLJC, comprised of all the community representatives, has the authority to take appropriate action even to the extent of dismissal of the coach and/or player, and/or having the team automatically forfeit the game in which the infractions have occurred. 

Section 7. The home team shall use the third base dugout and shall play in the field in the first half of the inning. 

Section 8. Only players, coaches, a bat person and scorekeeper shall be allowed in the players’ dugout during any game. 



 A.   A player must meet the following conditions to be eligible to play in the GSLJC. 

    1.  A player must meet the ages specified in the current age chart classifications. 
    2.  No player may be on more than one roster of the GSLJC. 

B.   A player must be a resident of one of the areas as outlined by the GSLJC map boundaries and shall register in the area where the player resides. 

Exception 1: An area may accept an out-of-Jefferson County player providing the player attends a public or private school within that area's boundary as outlined on the GSLJC boundary map or whose situation has been presented to the Board. 

Exception 2: An area may accept a player who lives out-of-Jefferson County as long as the total number of players on a specific team stays at a percentage (66% or what is appropriate to the guidelines of their recreational district) or a number approved by the board at the request of an area. 

Exception 3: A player who is unable to play in the player’s own area because rosters in the player’s age group are at capacity may play in another area if agreed upon by both representatives. 

Exception 4: A player moving to another area within Jefferson County may continue with the player’s original area or register in the player’s new area. 

Exception 5: A player may participate in an unlimited number of “C” tournaments and/or a maximum of 2 USA, USSSA, AFA or other recognized “B” or “open” tournaments within the year beginning August 1st of the prior season to July 31st of the current season. 

Exception 6: No coach or area representative shall actively recruit players in area boundaries other than his/her own. 

Exception 7: Players wishing to play in another area for reason other than the preceding shall submit a letter to the Executive Board requesting permission. 

Section 2. Tournament Team Eligibility 

1. A team may participate in an unlimited number of “C” tournaments and/or a maximum of 2 tournaments (USA, USSSA, or other recognized state “B” or “open” tournaments) within the year beginning August 1 of the prior season to July 31 of the current season. 

2. No team shall have more than four (4) Class “B” players on its GSLJC roster who play with a team who participates in more than three (3) USA, USSSA, or other recognized state open tournaments within the year beginning August 1st of the prior season through July 31st of the current season. 


 The GSLJC Board may discipline, suspend or permanently remove, with just cause, any team, coach, assistant coach, player and/or parent from participating in GSLJC activities. The GSLJC Board shall determine "just cause" on a case by case basis and defined with the best interests of the GSLJC being of primary importance. 

 A. In violation of team/coach/player eligibility, or other flagrant misconduct of teams/coaches, the GSLJC Board will: 

1. Ban the team from GSLJC current and year-end standings. 

2. Ban the team from participation in GSLJC sponsored tournaments.  

3. Ban the team from further participation in GSLJC scheduled games with no refund for unplayed scheduled games.  

4. At the Board’s discretion, the coach shall be banned from further participation in GSLJC. 

 1. The following GSLJC disciplinary actions will supersede any disciplinary action as outlined by a GSLJC area or independent organization playing in the GSLJC. GSLJC areas and independent organization will adhere strictly to the disciplinary actions of the GSLJC Board. However, a GSLJC area representing the team, coach, assistant coach, player and/or parent in question can impose more stringent disciplinary actions at their discretion. 

 1. A team, coach, assistant coach, player and/or parent who makes physical contact in any manner, e.g. (hits, pushes, grabs, or strikes another team, coach, assistant coach, player, parent, umpire and/or other individuals associated with the program, facility or recreation district) will be banned from further participation in the GSLJC. 

 2. A team, coach, assistant coach, player and/or parent that is issued a citation from a law enforcement agency for any incident during practice, a practice game, official game, or any other GSLJC sponsored activity will be banned from further participation in the GSLJC. 

 3. A team, coach, assistant coach, player and/or parent who makes physical contact in any manner in defense of a violent aggressor during any GSLJC activity shall appear before the GSLJC Board for determination of disciplinary action. 

 4. A team, coach, assistant coach, player and/or parent that participates in a GSLJC activity under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be banned from further participation in the GSLJC. 

 5. A team, coach, assistant coach, player and/or parent exhibiting unsportsmanlike conduct (e.g. spitting at an opposing team, player or other person, use of offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures; throwing equipment and/or objects) shall be ejected from a game by the umpire in charge. The head coach of the team of the ejected person/s will also be ejected from the ongoing game. The ejected person/s shall leave and be out of sight of the ongoing game. Ejected person/s will not be permitted to attend that team’s next regularly scheduled game. All disciplinary actions will be immediate. 

Appeal Procedure: The offender has the right to appeal the disciplinary action in writing within 72 hours of the incident. After hearing both sides, the GSLJC Board deems it is not a legitimate ejection, the offender is not suspended and his/her record is cleared. 

If the offender is ejected a second time, the minimum shall be a 2-game suspension and offender shall attend a GLSJC Board meeting to explain their/his/her conduct and why they/he/she should be allowed to continue participating.  

Section 4. Concussion Training All areas shall conform with the Colorado State Ruling Jake Snakenberg Concussion Act CRS 25-43-101-103 by requiring all coaches on the field to complete the recommended training. 

SECTION 5. BACKGROUND CHECKS Any volunteer, contractor and/or employee (candidate) over the age of 18 who shall be involved with the minors in the GSLJC on a regular basis, shall submit to pass an annual national background check designed for youth sports programs from a PBSA accredited supplier which will be provided by the GSLJC. This must be completed and passed prior to participation in any GSLJC sponsored event. Recognizing that no policy can encompass every situation, in Janauary, the President shall appoint a Background Check Committee of two members to serve for the current season whose responsibility will be to evaluate appeals as necessary and decide variance requests on a case-by-case basis. The President shall be the chairperson of the Committee. The President or his/her designee shall have the authority to deny a candidate. A person denied/failing his/her background check has the right to submit an appeal through their local area representative, which must be in writing to the President who shall direct to the GSLJC Background Check Committee. The appeal must contain specific grounds why the denial should be reversed and must be accompanied by all evidence and information supporting the request for reversal. A person who is suspended from participapting in any way with GSLJC activities because his/her background check is flagged red/rejected shall be immediately removed from their position directed by the President through the respective area representative. The umpire association working for the GSLJC shall submit a written statement stating that their employees have submitted to and passed a similar background check for the current season and included information is true and based on personal knowledge or belief. 

Section 6. Player placement Areas shall use the current Age Chart/Division Classification to place their players on teams according to their date of birth. A player may “play up” a maximum of two years. 

Section 7. Divisions A player’s age on August 1 in the just completed season is the player’s age for the upcoming season. 1. 4-6 and Under Division, T-Ball 2. 7 and Under Division, Coach Pitch 3. 8 and Under Division, Modified Kid Pitch 4. 9 and Under Division, Modified Kid Pitch 5. 10 and Under Division, 10 year olds 6. 11 and Under Division, 11 year olds 7. 12 and Under Division, 12 year olds 8. 14 and Under, Intermediate Division, 13 & 14 year old 9. 16 and Under, Intermediate Division, 15 & 16 year old J.19 and Under, Senior Division, 17, 18 & 19 year old 

Section 8. Rules The current edition of USA Rules shall apply except as noted in exceptions in each age group. 

 1. Refer to the GSLJC “Mini Rules” rule book for T-Ball and Coach Pitch Divisions 

 2. The following exceptions apply to the MODIFIED KID PITCH (8U) and (9U) Divisions 

 1. Bases shall be 50 feet apart 

 2. Pitching shall be 30 feet 

 3. A time limit of one hour and 15 minues shall apply. 

 4. Five innings constitute a game except in case of unfavorable field conditions when 3 innings constiture a game. 

 5. Third called or missed strike is out. 

 6. The infield fly rule shall not apply. 

 7. There shall be no base stealing. 

 8. Pitching exceptions: 


 2. When a batter reaches a 4-ball count, the offensive coach shall step into the pitching circle and pitch to his batter (who will retain her count) a MAXIMUM of 2 pitches (exception allows additional pitches if the batter hits foul balls) is allowed. If the batter fails to hit the ball into fair territory from coach/pitcher pitches, the batter is out and retired .If the batter hits the ball into play, only one base is awarded to the batter as well as any runner that is on base. 

 3. A coach, or someone designated, shall pitch underhand to his or her own players. Coach pitcher shall pitch from inside the pitching circle. 

 4. If the coach/pitcher is struck with a hit ball, the ball is dead. All runners on base return to their bases. Replay the pitch. 

 5. If, in the judgment of the umpire, the coach/pitcher intentionally interferes with a batted or thrown ball, the baller shall be called out and runners returned to their original bases. 

 6. The pitcher (youth player) must play even with or behind the coach/pitcher who will not interfere with defensive play. The pitcher (youth player) must have both feet within the pitching circle until the ball is hit. 

 7. Quick pitches shall not be allowed. The coach/pitcher shall signify beginning of play by raising the ball with an out-stretched arm before each pitch. If, in the judgment of the umpire, a quick pitch is made, a “dead ball” shall be called immediately and the play restarted. 

 8. If the coach/pitcher hits the batter with a pitched ball, it will be counted as one of the pitches. If the player/pitcher hits a batter, the batter is awarded 1st base. 

 9. Coach-pitchers may communicate with their batters without leaving the pitching circle, however, should keep it at a minimum to avoid delay of the game. 

 10. If the batter hits off the coach, then no one, including the batter, can advance more than one base. 

 9. A base runner is allowed to lead off after the pitcher releases the ball. The catcher can throw to the base and attempt to get the runner out after the pitch. If the catcher throws the ball to the base occupied by the runner, the runner may advance from first to second base as long as a runner was not on second prior to the pitch being released; or from second to third base as long as a runner is not on third prior to the pitch being released. The runner is only allowed to advance one base on the play. No runner may advance to home. 

 10. For each half inning, the team at bat may only score a maximum of six (6) runs. Once the maximum number of runs is reached, the half inning shall be considered complete and teams shall switch sides. If the team at bat has more than six (6) runs cross the plate in the last at bat, only six (6) runs shall be counted for that half inning. 

 11. Run Rule: If a team is ahead by 15 runs or more at the end of 2 complete innings, 12 runs or more at the end of 3 complete innings, or 10 runs or more at the end of 4 complete innings, the game shall be terminated and shall constitute a legal game whether or not the time limit has expires. 

 12. There shall be no ties after regular play. The universal tie-breaker shall be played. If it remains a tie after one tie breaker, then it shall be a tie in the standings. 

 The following exceptions apply to the 10U DIVISION 

 1. Bases shall be 60 feet apart. 

 2. Pitching shall be 35 feet. 

 3. A time limit of one hour and 15 minutes shall apply. 

 4. Five innings constitute a game except in case of unfavorable field conditions when three innings constitute a game. 

 5. Third called or missed strike is out. 

 6. The infield fly rule shall not apply. 

 7. Base stealing shall be limited to one base (even on an overthrow) and no stealing of home. 

 8. A base runner is allowed to lead off after the pitcher releases the ball. The catcher can throw to the base and attempt to get the runner out after the pitch. If the catcher throws the ball to the base occupied by the runner, the runner may advance from first to second base as long as a runner was not on second prior to the pitch being released; or from second to third base as long as a runner is not on third prior to the pitch being released. The runner is only allowed to advance one base on the play. No runner may advance to home. 

 9. For each half inning, the team at bat may only score a maximum of six (6) runs. Once the maximum number of runs is reached, the half inning shall be considered complete and teams shall switch sides. If the team at bat has more than six (6) runs cross the plate in the last as bat, only six (6) runs shall be counted for that half inning 

 10. Run Rule: If a team is ahead by 15 runs or more at the end of 2 complete innings, 12 runs or more at the end of 3 complete innings, or 10 runs or more at the end of 4 complete innings, the game shall be terminated and shall constitute a legal game whether or not the time limit has expired. 

 11. There shall be no ties at end of regular play. The universal tie-breaker shall be played. If it remains a tie after one tie-breaker, then it shall be a tie in the standings. 

 D. The following exceptions apply to 11U DIVISION and 12U DIVISION 

 1. Bases shall be 60 feet apart. 

 2. Pitching shall be 40 feet. 

 3. A time limit of one hour and 15 minutes shall apply. 

 4. Five innings constitute a game except in case of unfavorable field conditions when three innings constitute a game. 

 5. Drop third strike rulings shall apply. 

 6. Infield fly rule: 11U: infield fly rule shall not apply. 12U: infield fly rule shall apply. 

 7. Base stealing is allowed with no limitations. 

 8. For each half inning, the team at bat may only score a maximum of six (6) runs. Once the maximum number of runs is reached, the half inning shall be considered complete and teams shall switch sides. If the team at bat has more than six (6) runs cross the plate in the last as bat, only six (6) runs shall be counted for that half inning. 

 9. Run Rule: If a team is ahead by 12 runs or more at the end of 3 complete Innings or 10 runs or more at the end of 4 complete innings, the game shall be terminated and shall constitute a legal game whether or not the time limit has expired. 

 10. There shall be no ties at end of regulation play. The universal tie-breaker shall be played. If it remains a tie after one tie-breaker, then it shall be a tie in the standings. 

 E . The following exceptions apply to the 14U DIVISION 

 1. Bases shall be 60 feet apart. 

 2. Pitching distance shall be 40 feet. If 14U & 16U age groups are combined in bracketing, pitching distance could be adjusted. 

 3. A time limit of one hour and 15 minutes shall apply. 

 4. Six innings constitute a game except in case of unfavorable field conditions when four innings constitute a game. 

 5. Dropped third strike and infield file rulings apply 

 6. For each half inning, the team at bat may only score a maximum of six (6) runs. Once the maximum number of runs is reached, the half inning shall be considered complete and teams shall switch sides. If the team at bat has more than six (6) runs cross the plate in the last as bat, only six (6) runs shall be counted for that half inning. 

 7. Run Rule: If a team is ahead by 12 runs or more at the end of 3 complete innings or 10 runs or more at the end of 4 complete innings, the game shall be terminated and shall constitute a legal game whether or not the time limit has expired. 

 8. There shall be no ties. The universal tie-breaker shall be played. If it remains a tie after one tie-breaker, then it shall be a tie in the standings. 

 The following exceptions apply to the 16U DIVISION 

 1. Bases shall be 60 feet apart. 

 2. Pitching distance shall be 43 feet. If 14U & 16U age groups are combined in bracketing, pitching distance could be adjusted. 

 3. A time limit of one hour and 15 minutes shall apply.

4. Six innings constitute a game except in case of unfavorable field conditions when four innings constitute a game. 

5. Dropped third strike and infield file rulings apply. 

 6. For each half inning, the team at bat may only score a maximum of six (6) runs. Once the maximum number of runs is reached, the half inning shall be considered complete and teams shall switch sides. If the team at bat has more than six (6) runs cross the plate in the last as bat, only six (6) runs shall be counted for that half inning. 

 7. Run Rule: If a team is ahead by 12 runs or more at the end of 3 complete innings or 10 runs or more at the end of 4 complete innings, the game shall be terminated and shall constitute a legal game whether or not the time limit has expired. 

 8. There shall be no ties at end of regulation play. The universal tie-breaker shall be played. If it remains a tie after one tie-breaker, then it shall be a tie in the standings. 

 G. The following exceptions apply to the 19U DIVISION -- SENIOR 

 1. Bases shall be 60 feet apart. 

 2. Pitching distance shall be 43 feet. 

 3. A time limit of one hour and 15 minutes shall apply. 

 4. Seven innings constitute a game except in case of unfavorable field conditions when four innings constitute a game. 

 5. Dropped third strike and infield fly rulings apply. 

 6. Run Rule: If a team is ahead by 12 runs or more at the end of 3 complete innings or 10 runs or more at the end of 4 complete innings, the game shall be terminated and shall constitute a legal game whether or not the time limit has expired. 

7. There shall be no ties at end of regulation play. The universal tie-breaker shall be played. If it remains a tie after one tie-breaker, then it shall be a tie in the standings. 

Section 9. Rosters 

 1. Coaches shall carry an official roster certified by the county with them at all games. A team’s area representative (or designated area person) shall be responsible for birth certificates for each of his/her players and may be required to furnish formal proof of age. If, upon request by the opposing coach, a coach is unable to furnish an official roster before the game is concluded, the game would be awarded as a win by forfeit for the team/coach making the request. If a challenge to a player’s age is made, the coach of the player being challenged must make available proof of age within 72 hours. 

 1. At the April county meeting, each area shall submit a double set of their recreational rosters to the Supervisory Committee chaired by the Vice-President. These rosters shall be certified by the committee with a GSLJC signature and current date on the line immediately following the last name on the roster. One set will be held by the GSLJC and the 2nd set with the certified signature/date will be returned to areas who will give them to their coaches. 

 1. Areas must meet the April deadline to insure their teams are able to play their scheduled games. Areas shall update these rosters with additions or deletions in a timely manner. Final rosters with all updates shall be re-submitted by June 15. If the 2nd deadline is not met, those rosters previously submitted will be considered the official roster. Such rosters shall contain not more than ten (10) players for the TB and sixteen (16) players for the Coach Pitch divisions and not more than twenty (20) players for all other divisions. 

 1. If an ineligible player is listed or not listed on a team’s official roster, that team shall forfeit all games in which said player participates. E There shall be no additions to any roster after June 15 of each year without Executive Board approval. If a team roster falls below 12 players, 14 players in Senior Divisions; players may be added with Board approval to bring the roster to 12 players, 14 players in Senior Divisions. Players deleted from a roster will remain deleted for the remainder of the season. 

 F. At the Yearend Tournament, a copy of each official roster will be in possession of each age group’s tournament director. 

Section 10. Matching uniforms consisting of hemmed pants with a minimum inseam length of six (6) inches, jerseys, and identifying numerals at least four inches high shall be worn by all players at all League games. Each player on the team shall have a different number. Teams unable to meet the above requirements shall forfeit the game if requested by the opposing coach. 

Section 11. Players in the game are prohibited from wearing jewelry such as rings, watches, necklaces (including cloth or string type), barrettes, earrings or other cosmetic or decorative items that are hard. Medical alert bracelets and necklaces are not considered jewelry. (If worn, they must be taped to the body so as to remain visible). Religious items are acceptable to wear (they must be taped to the body so as to remain visible). All braces must be padded. No casts or splints are allowed. Prosthesis may be worn. Any equipment judged by the umpire to be potentially dangerous is illegal. Penalty: If a player violates the jewelry rule, the umpire shall issue one team warning. Any subsequent offender on that team shall be out if at bat or if discovered in the field that player will be penalized with an out at the next at bat, and the player will be asked to go to their dugout for the remaining part of the inning. 

Section 12. Players in all age groups may wear any type of footwear. If cleats are worn, they shall be rubber molded for ages TB/CP through 12U Division. 14U and 16U and 19U (Senior) may wear rubber molded or metal cleats. 

Section 13. The home team of each game shall furnish one new and one serviceable ball for home games which shall remain the property of the home team. Regulation softballs shall be used by all age groups. 

Section 14. Bats & Softballs: The GSLJC shall follow the guidelines outlined by the USSSA or ASA which state all bats must have an approved USSSA or ASA stamp on them and be softball fast pitch bats. 11” softballs shall be used for 8U and 9U Modified Kid Pitch and 10U Divisions; 12” softballs shall be used for all other age groups. Refer to GSLJC Rulings book for TB/CP Division bats & softballs guidelines. 

Section 15. Throat protectors and catcher’s helmets for all catchers are mandatory in all divisions. Batting helmets with face masks/guards for all batters/base runners are mandatory in all divisions. The NOCSAE stamp shall be mandatory on all helmets. 

Section 16. At the beginning of a game, the time of commencement of the game must be entered into scorebooks of both teams; home team’s scorebook to take precedence. Scorekeepers MUST confer and agree on the score at the end of each inning; in case of discrepancy, the plate umpire shall have final decision. Game time is forfeit time. 

Section 17. Pitcher warm-up shall be five (5) pitches or one (1) minute (whichever comes first) for a pitcher's 1st inning in a game. For every inning after that, it shall be three (3) pitches or one (1) minute (whichever comes first). Pitchers returning to pitch are not allowed any warm-ups. New pitchers to a game shall be given five (5) pitches or one (1) minute (whichever comes first). Infield and outfield players shall have the same 1-minute warm-up time at the beginning of an inning. Coaches shall have their catchers dressed and equipped at the immediate start of each inning. 

Section 18. Throwing the bat intentionally or unintentionally shall be penalized. The first incident in a game by a player will produce an umpire warning to both teams. If repeated by any batter, the batter will be called out. 

Section 19. In Modified Kid Pitch (8U) through 19U (Senior), the defense will consist of 10 players. These 10 defensive players in the infield will be limited to the standard configuration of pitcher, catcher, first baseman, second baseman, shortstop, and third baseman The short fielder and outfielders must be a minimum of 10 feet behind the imaginary line connecting the bases until the ball is hit. 

Section 20. Bunting is allowed in all divisions starting with Modified kid pitch (8U). 

Section 21. Sliding is allowed in all divisions starting with T-Ball.

Section 22: Substitution 

 A. Free substitution shall be permitted in any positions on the field except as noted in Line G.

 B. The batting order must include all players on the team’s roster who are present at the beginning of the game. Each player will bat in turn. The 10 defensive players will be identified in the lineup by inclusion of the player’s position. Late arrivals will be added to the end of the lineup. 

 C. Every player on a team’s roster will play in the field for at least one (1) inning. 

 D. When a player leaves the game for any reason other than ejection, the spot in the line-up will be skipped without an out being taken as long as the team has a minimum of 8 players. If the player is a baserunner, the player’s place will be taken by the first player preceding the player in the batting order who is not a baserunner. 

 E. If the player leaving is an ejected player, the team will be allowed to continue playing but will be required to take an “out” each time that spot in the batting order comes up for the remainder of the ongoing game. 

 F. If the line-up drops below eight (8) players for any reason, the game will be declared a forfeit. 

 G. A pitcher removed from the pitching position may return as a pitcher only after three (3) additional batters have finished their turn at bat unless the coach has had more than one conference in one inning with that pitcher, in which case the player cannot return to the pitching position for the remainder of the game. 

 H. With 2 outs, a courtesy runner may be provided at the discretion of the coach, for the catcher only. The courtesy runner shall be the last recorded out. 

 I . Refer to the GSLJC Mini-Midget Rulings book for TB and CP substitutions. 

Section 23 

 1. A time limit of one hour and 15 minutes shall apply for all ages except TB and CP. Refer to the GSLJC Mini-Midget rulings book for TB and CP game times. 

 1. In the case of a scheduled doubleheader, there shall be a maximum 10-minute break between games. 

Section 24. No inning shall begin after expiration of the time limit except a tie game when a tie-breaker rule shall be in effect. 1. Each team shall play a half-inning beginning with a player on 2nd base. That player being the batter who completed her last “turn at bat”. B. If the score remains tied after the one tie-breaking inning, the game shall be declared a tie game for League Standings. C. The tie-breaker ruling does not apply to T-Ball/Coach Pitch. 

Section 25. Drop Dead End Ruling on Unlighted Fields for All Divisions The first game on an unlighted field starting at 5:00 p.m. will have a “drop dead end time” of 6:40 p.m. The game will be terminated at 6:40 p.m. whether or not the current inning is complete. The official score will revert to the score at the 6th out of the last completed inning. Any score in an uncompleted inning will not count. If a game is tied at the end of the 6th out of the last completed inning, the game is a tie in the standings. 

Section 26. Eight players must be present at game time to begin play (offensively and/or defensively). If more than eight players are present, up to 10 must be played for the entire game. When the 9th position comes to bat with only eight players present, an out is assigned to the ninth position (exception: T-Ball and Coach Pitch where no outs will be assigned). If a player is injured leaving only 7 players, a forfeit will be declared. A player arriving after the game has begun shall be added to the bottom of the batting order. In case both teams fail to field eight players, the game shall be shown as a loss to both teams. 

Section 27. GSLJC Tournament – An all-age invitational current year tournament will be hosted and directed by the GSLJC. 1. To participate in the GSLJC Yearend Tournament, a team must be a memer in good standing ofone of the areas belonging to the GSLJC and abide by the recreational eligibility requirements, rules and bylaws. A team must play only players listed on their official GSLJC roster from the current season. 1. Officials used for these tournaments will be certified umpires from the existing umpire association contracted by the GSLJC