Rules Exceptions

Exceptions for Age Groups

(March 2022)

(taken from the current bylaws of the GSLJC)

Section 8. Rules 

The current edition of USA Rules shall apply except as noted in exceptions in each age group. Refer to the GSLJC “Mini Rules” rule book for T-Ball and Coach Pitch Divisions 

The following exceptions apply to the MODIFIED KID PITCH (8u) AND (9u) DIVISION 

  1. Bases shall be 50 feet apart 
  2.  Pitching shall be 30 feet 
  3. A time limit of one hour and 15 minues shall apply. 
  4. Five innings constitute a game except in case of unfavorable field conditions when 3 innings constiture a game. 
  5. Third called or missed strike is out. 
  6. The infield fly rule shall not apply. 
  7. There shall be no base stealing. 

 8.  Pitching exceptions:
  • When a batter reaches a 4-ball count, the offensive coach shall step into the pitching circle and pitch to his batter (who will retain her count) a MAXIMUM of 2 pitches (exception allows additional pitches if the batter hits foul balls) is allowed. If the batter fails to hit the ball into fair territory from coach/pitcher pitches, the batter is out and retired. If the batter hits the ball into play, only one base is awarded to the batter as well as any runner that is on base. Bunting is not allowed when coach pitcher is piching. Bunting is not allowed when coach pitcher is piching. 
  • A coach, or someone designated, shall pitch underhand to his or her own players. Coach pitcher shall pitch from inside the pitching circle. 
  •  If the coach/pitcher is struck with a hit ball, the ball is dead. All runners on base return to their bases. Replay the pitch. 
  • If, in the judgment of the umpire, the coach/pitcher intentionally interferes with a batted or thrown ball, the baller shall be called out and runners returned to their original bases. 
  • The pitcher (youth player) must play even with or behind the coach/pitcher who will not interfere with defensive play. The pitcher (youth player) must have both feet within the pitching circle until the ball is hit. 
  • Quick pitches shall not be allowed. The coach/pitcher shall signify beginning of play by raising the ball with an out-stretched arm before each pitch. If, in the judgment of the umpire, a quick pitch is made, a “dead ball” shall be called immediately and the play restarted. 
  • If the coach/pitcher hits the batter with a pitched ball, it will be counted as one of the pitches. If the player/pitcher hits a batter, the batter is awarded 1st base. 
  • Coach-pitchers may communicate with their batters without leaving the pitching circle, however, should keep it at a minimum to avoid delay of the game. If the batter hits off the coach, then no one, including the batter, can advance more than one base.

9.A base runner is allowed to lead off after the pitcher releases the ball.  The catcher can throw to the base and attempt to get the runner out after the pitch.                 If the catcher throws the ball to the base occupieded by the runner.

  9.  A base runner is allowed to lead off after the pitcher releases the ball. The catcher can throw to the base and attempt to get the runner out after the pitch. If the         catcher throws the ball to the base occupied by the runner, the runner may advance from first to second base as long as a runner was not on second prior to             the pitch being released; or from second to third base as long as a runner is not on third prior to the pitch being released. The runner is only allowed to                     advance one base on the play. No runner may advance to home.

   10. For each half inning, the team at bat may only score a maximum of six (6) runs. Once the maximum number of runs is reached, the half inning shall be                       considered complete and teams shall switch sides. If the team at bat has more than six (6) runs cross the plate in the last at bat, only six (6) runs shall be counted         for that half inning.

   11. Run Rule: If a team is ahead by 15 runs or more at the end of 2 complete innings, 12 runs or more at the end of 3 complete innings, or 10 runs or more at the              end of 4 complete innings, the game shall be terminated and shall constitute a legal game whether or not the time limit has expires.

   12. There shall be no ties after regular play. The universal tie-breaker shall be played. If it remains a tie after one tie breaker, then it shall be a tie in the standings.

   The following exceptions apply to 10U Division. 

  1. Bases shall be 60 feet apart. 
  2. Pitching shall be 35 feet. 
  3.  A time limit of one hour and 15 minutes shall apply. 
  4.  Five innings constitute a game except in case of unfavorable field conditions when three innings constitute a game. 
  5.  Third called or missed strike is out. 
  6.  The infield fly rule shall not apply. 
  7.  Base stealing shall be limited to one base per pitch (even on an overthrow) and no stealing of home. 
  8.  A base runner is allowed to lead off after the pitcher releases the ball. The catcher can throw to the base and attempt to get the runner out after the pitch. If the catcher throws the ball to the base occupied by the runner, the runner may advance from first to second base as long as runner was not on second prior to the pitch being released; or from second to third base as long as a runner is not on third prior to the pitch being released. The runner is only allowed to advance one base on the play. No runner may advance to home. 
  9.  For each half inning, the team at bat may only score a maximum of seven (7) runs. Once the maximum number of runs is reached, the half inning is reached, the half inning shall be considered complete and teams shall switch sides. If the team at bat has more than six (6) runs cross the plate in the last at bat, only six (6) runs shall be counted for that half inning. 
  10.  Run Rule: If a team is ahead by 15 runs or more at the end of 2 complete innings, 12 runs 3 complete innings, or 10 runs or more at the end of 4 complete innings, the game shall be terminated and shall constitute a legal game whether or not the time limit has expired. 
  11.  There shall be no ties at end of regular play. The universal tie-breaker shall be played. If it remains a tie after one tie-breaker, then it shall     be a tie in the standings. 

The following exceptions apply to 11U DIVISION and 12U DIVISION 

  1. Bases shall be 60 feet apart.
  2.  Pitching shall be 40 feet. 
  3. A time limit of one hour and 15 minutes shall apply. 
  4.  Five innings constitute a game except in case of unfavorable field conditions when three innings constitute a game. 
  5.  Drop third strike rulings shall apply. 
  6.  Infield fly rule: 11U: infield fly rule shall not apply. 12U: Infield fly rule shall apply. 
  7.  Base stealing is allowed with no limitations. 
  8.  For each half inning, the team at bat may only score a maximum of six (6) runs. Once the maximum number of runs is reached, the half inning shall be considered complete and teams shall switch sides. If the team at bat has more than six (6) runs cross the plate in the last as bat, only six (6) runs shall be counted for that half inning. 
  9.  Run Rule: If a team is ahead by 12 runs or more at the end of 3 complete Innings or 10 runs or more at the end of 4 complete innings, the game shall be terminated and shall constitute a legal game whether or not the time limit has expired. 
  10.  There shall be no ties at end of regulation play. The universal tie-breaker shall be played. If it remains a tie after one tie-breaker, then it shall be a tie in the standings. 

The following exceptions apply to the 14U DIVISION 

  1.  Bases shall be 60 feet apart. 
  2.  Pitching distance shall be 43 feet. 
  3.  A time limit of one hour and 15 minutes shall apply. 
  4.  Six innings constitute a game except in case of unfavorable field conditions when four innings constitute a game. 
  5.  Dropped third strike and infield file rulings apply 
  6.  For each half inning, the team at bat may only score a maximum of seven (7) runs. Once the maximum number of runs is reached, the half inning shall be considered complete and teams shall switch sides. If the team at bat has more than six (6) runs cross the plate in the last as bat, only six (6) runs shall be counted for that half inning. 
  7.  Run Rule: If a team is ahead by 12 runs or more at the end of 3 complete innings or 10 runs or more at the end of 4 complete innings, the game shall be terminated and shall constitute a legal game whether or not the time limit has expired. 
  8.  There shall be no ties. The universal tie-breaker shall be played. If it remains a tie after one tie-breaker, then it shall be a tie in the standings.